The story follows the characters of a journalist, Susan Allison (Hewitt) working on a profile of a woman, Caroline Thomas (White) whose husband naval aviator Lt. Neil Thomas was declared MIA during World War II. Mrs. Thomas finds silence for sixty-six years from the Department of the Navy. Allison with the help of a United States Senator (she did an unrelated story on the senator) who puts pressure on the Navy, who locates the family of the gunner on Thomas' airplane. The now deceased Billings' son tells of the crash and of Morang, a Filipino guerilla who rescued the wounded naval aviators. Andrew Hawthorne goes to the Phillipines and sets up a teleconference for the aged Caroline and elderly Morang. The story of the fate of Lt. Thomas, Morang says he was badly wounded, but wanted his more seriously injured gunner, Billings to get medical aide. When Thomas had recovered, deep behind Japanese lines, he joins the Filipino Guerillas. During a patrol, Lt. Thomas is killed by a Japanese sniper. Morang knows the location of the burial site of Lt. Thomas. The US Navy goes to the 1944 grave site and returns the remains and effects to the United States. Caroline is given Neil's wallet and dogtags. For Neil's bravery and courage, Caroline is given his Navy Cross, Silver Star and Purple Heart. Lt. Thomas is buried by the US Navy, with full military honors.
it's an incredible love story and i love it! not to mention it betty white and jennifer love hewitt stars in it and i'm fan of both! it's such a sad yet romantic movie. it's a 2 in one love story and you never lose track of one story to follow the other. it was so well thought out and written. absolutely terrific!
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