Monday, August 15, 2011

so i am trying to win nicholas a free photo shoot with ambershiree photography and he is currently in 2nd place thanks to everyone who did us the favor and voted for him. anyone else who hasn't done so can go to her page on FB, go to the free photo shoot contest and like nicholas' photo by clicking the like link under his pix. he is the 2nd pic and he is wearing green overalls :) today was definitely an eventful day. kiki finally came to visit after what seems like forever and finally got to see and hold nick for the first time. i got my favorite lavender scentsy bar (YUM) and caught up on some things. we left for a little while to cinnabon and somehow when we got back, hannah was missing and i thought i had put her in the backyard or she was sleeping with kris and didn't think much of it. then i started calling for her and no response! finally i realized that she's gone missing and i no way in my house. i texted my neighbor jennifer and her and kels and the girls drove through our housing area looking for hannah while i stayed with our babies and thank goodness someone called me letting me know that they had her in their yard. that she had wandered over to their house right up the street and didn't know where to go. i was so thankful that i always keep her collar on her and that she has updated tags with all our contact information. i was scared to death that she was hit or somehow got off base and i couldn't be happier that she was found and is now home with us! i really need to watch the front door wheni keep it open cause i realized that if she pushes on the screen door hard enough it will give away and let her through. she doesn't just run out when i'm home and the door's open so i thought it was odd. and i also thought it was odd because i walk her almost everyday and she seemed lost and didn't know her way home. i always thought dogs had a good sense of direction and home. all aftrernoon she stayed far away from the front door since she's been back so hopefully she learned her lesson! and i definitely learned mine too!

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