Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nicholas is 6 mo now and how life has changed in the months following his birth. Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. My mom came down on Halloween and has stayed til now and my sister drove down last wk to spend Thanksgiving with us. My cousin Donna drove up from San Diego to spend the holiday with us and we had so much fun. We roasted a chicken, had roast pork belly, and the YMCA on base was giving away either Turkey or Ham dinners and I chose the Ham one. It came with a honey Ham, green bean casserole and scalloped potatoes. My mom made lettuce wraps, and sticky rice fried rice. There was a lot of food the few of us but we enjoyed it all. Nick had his festive Thanksgiving Turkey hat that great Grandma Laura sent for him. his half birthday also fell on the holiday so we celebrated with new toys for him and so far his favorite is a fish shaped teething toy. He's discovered his feet and loves playing with them! He loves to roll all over the floor trying to keep up with his feet. He's sitting up with less help from us and definitely becoming more of an independent sitter! He loves his baby food but only when its super textured so we mix a lot of baby cereal with it to make it nice and thick for him. He loves to smack on bananas and whole grains of rice. He's a pro at eating his Gerber graduate puffs and actually prefers those over his first favorite snack,  the rice rusk mum mums. He's in 12-18mo clothes already... 20lbs and 27 inches when he got weighed last a few wks ago. He really is growing so fast. When someone waves and says hi to him I swear he says hi back! Except its more of a drooly smile and he goes "uuuugh" he loves to giggle and always laughs. He's such a happy baby! And I get so mesmerized by him at times that sometimes I just lay in bed awake to scroll through photos of him. I'm so in love with my little boy!

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