Monday, October 11, 2010

my appointment today left me so drained. i pretty much slept the whole way there and most of the way back. i'm officially pumped up on meds until my doctor can expedite my referral to an ob. so for now i'm on zofran, stool softener, prenatal vitamins, tylenol pm, and whatever i need to get me through the day. holy cow, i'm miserable being pregnant right now. i really wish the first trimester will fly by and i'll probably sleep through most of it cause of all the meds but i really want the sickness to go away. i'm an emotional wreck and my whole body aches and sometimes all i can do is cry to give myself some solace or help me get some rest. i'm waiting for the tylenol pm to kick in right now and when it does kris' alarm will go off at 0530 and i'll be hating my life cause it's so early. i'm so grateful to have him in my life. idk how he puts up with me but the poor guy does everything in his power to make me comfy and each day bearable. i really want to shoot myself in the face right now cause i'm so miserable. i really am praying that this will get better. to all the ladies out there who will have little to no sickness, i am extremely jealous and probably will want nothing to do with you or want to hear how easy it was for you until years down the line. i think after this child, i'm done. i can't stand being sick like this more than i have to. so if kris doesn't get the girl that he wants oh well. if he doesn't get the boy that he wants oh well. i'm just glad we can get pregnant and have one on the way. so for now, let's pray that my pillow will scream my name soon, that i will have a normal poop sometime tomorrow and that i can sleep most of the day.

i get to get pick up jenna tmmrw at the airport and bring her back to base before i can go home. idk how i'm gonna make it there and back without dying. maybe i'll have her drive when she gets in the car.

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